Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Watch tans and NO pumpkin pie (Dec 1)

G'day g'day! How ya going mates?

This past week has been pretty awesome, not going to lie. I have learned to really love it here in Echuca Victoria, the Bush, or as others call it "regional Victoria." I laughed when I heard people call it that... it's just the bush I reckon. Anyway, I'll start off by saying HAPPY THANKSGIVING! And, HAPPY DECEMBER!!!!!! I cannot believe how fast time is going aye? It just seems to be devoured, not just nibbled. Things just keep going and going and it makes me happy knowing that I'm off doing the Lord's work here in Australia.

Some sad news... since my last companion went home I've started to lose my developing Aussie/Kiwi accent that I had! Since Elder Judd is from the states, he is about as American sounding as can be. It makes it hard to not naturally switch back to my native tongue, but... all goods. She'll be right mate. Still got HEAPS OF TIME :)

So our week has been spent just going out and trying to find through our own means. We've been quite fortunate as we've been out and about the area we are in. We've been able to find a Tongan lady who isn't a member but who has a son named Michael living with here who IS a member and Potential missionary! He's young as but LOVES the missionaries so we are going to be spending heaps of time with them, and hopefully learning some tongan. Also, we were able to find a GOLDEN lady who has just blossomed in the Church. Her name is April W. (Can't spell her last name) and we found her tracting AGES ago. Elder Pearce never wanted to go back but with Elder Judd being here we decided we should. We knocked on her door with high hopes and excitement only to find that she wasn't home. We pebbled away but were prompted to turn around when we saw a bright yellow taxi driving down the street we just left. Elder Judd was the one who initiated the pursuit back. Satan was definitely trying hard as he placed a lot of doubt into my mind. Luckily, Elder Judd was able to dispel any doubts and we ended up inviting her to our Ward Christmas Party.

She accepted happily and came! The night was A BLAST FOR HER! She felt so at home with the members and it was as if the members wrapped her up with a giant blanket of love, suited just for one who was new to the area and was in desperate search for good friends, and a good place to raise her young children. She was invited to come to church without us even having to ask! She came, LOVED IT, and then went to a fast breaker at our Branch President's home. It went extremely well as she just simply meshed with the people in our small branch. It was such a blessing seeing how members really are the key. We're going to help her mow her lawn on Tuesday and are excited as she wants to be taught. Hopefully all works out with it.

So, the title is called "watch tan" because well.... Elder Judd and I have been on bikes for the past month! It's been awesome being among the Aussie's here and getting waved at, laughed at, and seen. The funniest part of the week was when we made a 9km bike trip out to visit a potential investigator that we had GQ'd (general question--- basically teaching by the wayside or just talking to a person while biking around to our appointments). He was not home, but this group of ten year old boys were riding around on bikes in their neighborhood. It was CRACK UP. The ring leader was a cocky and confident kid named John who was asking us heaps of questions. He's from America too... which I don't believe from his obvious Aussie accident and look. I could be wrong. Anyway, Elder Judd in hopes to impress these young minds decided to pop a Mono (or Wheelie as we call it) and he pulled up too much and flipped the bike underneath him and just smashed on his heels. It was CRACK UP seeing the kids laugh for ages at him. He's all good though. In the process, we ended the day biking a total of 40+kms, with only sweaty pits and a mean farmers tan (with Watch tan as well) to show for it. All goods.

Anyway, life is good, things are great, and the work is moving forward. I've found that my time as a missionary has become so precious to me!!! I have ages to go which makes me happy as!

Well, that's about it for the week. Love you all heaps. Hope your week is well and not too cold hahah.



Elder Sargeant

We got randomly breathalyzer tested... Came up... 0! :D

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