Saturday, March 21, 2015

Twilight hours (March 15)

The end is drawing near, and yet.... SHE'LL BE RIGHT MATE!!!!!

G'day g'day!! Hope you've all had a fantastic week these past 7 days, I know I have and we've been so blessed with some experiences and meeting some fantastic people and having the joy of knowing we are doing what is right and what matters most.

Sometimes I feel like Nephi  "And I was led by the Spirit, not knowing before hand the things which I should do."

I love that. I have felt so blessed this past week to have had some experiences that encompass and bring to life the reality of that Scripture found in 1 Nephi 4:6. I probably failed the actually word for word quote but all good. 

I don't know if I ever relayed this experience but a few weeks ago the other Elders reset the lock combination on their bike lock and couldn't figure out what to do to fix it. They left their bikes at the local Macas (McDonalds for you American speaking folks. ;) ) Early one morning instead of doing our exercises we drove to where the bikes were and tried to figure it out. My wonderful companion, after many attempts by us to unlock the bikes, offered this simple solution:

"Let's say a prayer." I felt a bit silly about it at first, but then thought that it's a good idea. So there we were, outside the Macas, four soldiers of Jesus Christ, arms folded, heaps bowed, offering a simple prayer to God. Many would think, "what is that going to do?"

I testify of His reality. He hears our simple prayers.

We closed our plea to God and got back to work! Every good prayer requires action.

After some attempts the lock was still not budging and our minds became a little discouraged. Did He help us? Why isn't it working?

One of the Elders said, " I'm pretty sure I just reset it by mistake... but only two of the numbers." 

Instantly a simple thought came to mind to try to twist the last 2 numbers over to a certain set of numbers. I can't remember the exact numbers... but *click* the lock opened.

You may think that God doesn't hear your pleas, but He does. I learned a valuable lesson. I can do all things in Christ, who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13

I'm grateful that God hears us!

Next, we were blessed with meeting a woman by the name of Shauna. She told us to come back the next day but due to some unfortunate circumstances, namely us Elders being slack as with our poor planning, missed out...

We went back on the Saturday morning hoping to have some redemption. WE DID! She came to the door after a couple knocks and we had a great conversation with her. She expressed how she used to get smashed every week, 4 days out of the 7, and that her life was not what she wanted it to be. She gave birth to her first  and only son, and her life changed. Nothing was for her anymore, but all for him. 

We talked to her, and felt inspired to share with her about the Plan that God has given to us. We each have a  role, and He has given us families to live in, and a way of life that protects us and helps us become better people. This is called the Gospel, or teachings, of Jesus Christ. Hence, why He refers Himself as "The way." He makes it possible.

The Spirit burned in our chests, or at least it did in mine and I KNOW she felt it too! Her eyes were open, not just her eye lips uncovering the eye balls, but her eyes were open. Her heart felt and her ears heard the truth that underlined the words uttered by missionaries called of God. She said she wants to learn more, to gain hope, and have this understanding. We;re going back soon.

I love this work! I love serving. I love being weak and useless... but being turned into someone better because I CHOOSE TO BE! God wants me to grow, and in His power I can do so, but only if we choose it to be. The wonderful gift we have been given.

Hope you all can forgive me for ranting on, but it meant a lot to me.

Another little, (forgive me for the terminology mum) tender mercy was Sunday Sacrament meeting. RACHEL AND JASE HOWE CAME TO CHURCH TOGETHER FOR THE FIRST TIME IN AGES!!!!!!! WOO!!! We sat next to them and it was great to see them. I feel a great love for these two. They're truly my brother and sister. They always give us stuff too... which makes them even better. <--- Jokes, but if you read this know we love the eSHots.

Well the time is far spent, there is little remaining. The final descent is here. 1 week remaining. WOO! 

Love you all!

-Elder Sargeant

Our stake had an epic athletics day and we got to attend. Wish I could attach it all but here we go: 

Monday, March 9, 2015

If not me, who? If not now, when? (March 8)

"If not me, who? If not now, when?"

I was asked these two questions by my companion the other day, and they hit me like a bag of bricks. I was stunned. He didn't ask them to me directly to answer, but we were talking about the week and what we could do better to go out and smash it. 

It's amazing to see how the things people can say to us can truly impact who we are the and choices we make! 

This last week was a great week for us. It was filled with many adventures, and other such missionary things that make life well, the life of a missionary.

For example, we've had about 2 meetings every week for the past FOREVER it seems, but each meeting is another boost of confidence to go out and to share with the people of Australia the Gospel! I LOVE IT. The best part of the meetings is...definitely the food! Sister Maxwell, the Mission President's wife, cooked us CAFE RIO STYLE BURRITOS!!!! She made home made ranch, the green kind, that you find at Cafe Rio. 

Some heads up, we were able to go out and teach Loia and his family again. He's doing well. There always seem to be opposition in the lives of those who are trying to do right, and he is a perfect example. He lost his job, and is looking for a new one, and is struggling to make the changes he wants to make.

We sat down with him on Sunday morning before church and shared with him about how he can overcome those burdens and about what he wants to accomplish. He always expresses to us his desires to come to church and change, and he was able to commit to it! The Spirit was so strong that morning as he was able to let us know of his desires. As we shared scriptures out of the Book of Mormon, he just looked at the ground in a deep thought and said, I know what I need to do. He committed to be baptised on 11th of APRIL!!! WOO!!!!! Amazing!!!

Well, the adventures never stop here in Cranbourne. We had a activity with the Ward around the theme of "Step Up." <--- Everything ties together.

Time to step up!

Have a great week! Times up! Love ya all heaps!

-Elder Dane Sargeant

The last photo at the mission home with my companion after MLC meeting

Sunday, March 1, 2015

A Week of MADNESS (March 1)

yad'g lla! Siht keew sah neeb emosewa!!!
G'day all! This week has been awesome!!!

I'll just jump straight into it since I don't have much time. 

First of all, thank you for all the prayers on behalf of our investigators. You can see the amazing impact it is having on them and helping us to find more people to be taught! Loia and Clem didn't come to church again, but it's because their family is in town and it's the last week before the family returns home to NZ. They will be coming and enjoying the blessings waiting for them.

Loia has been reading the Book of Mormon and has a sincere desire to learn more. YOu can see it every time we come by that he yearns for the Spirit. I'm not sure if he realizes it or not but he does. You can see it in his eyes as he listens, speaks, and asks us questions. He's a cool Samoan man.

So, the highlight of the week was when we were able to have Elder Bednar come to speak to us as a mission!!! Goodness me the spirit was strong as and I was personally able to learn a thing or two. My favourite part was just at the end when he said "I love you all." 

Those words seemed to enter into our hearts and minds with a power that only comes from sincerity. Love is a powerful feeling, and an even more powerful motivation. I love feeling love!

I wish I could go into detail about what went down at the conference, but let I'll let you know the key players involved.

Elder David A. Bednar and his wife. Elder Robbins of the Presidency of the Seventy and his wife, and Elder Halek and his wife of the Area Presidency.
They all asked us questions, answered our questions, and just made it all down to earth. Two of my favourite parts are these quotes that we heard:

1) " A person rarely rises above the stature he/she carves out for him/herself as a missionary on his/her mission." -Elder Robbins.

2) Elder Bednar said, " You don't have to have an Apostle of the Lord come for you to have experiences like this. You have the Holy Ghost and the Scriptures. That's all you need. I have the same scriptures as you. I wasn't given one with a cheat sheet in the back when I was called."

^ I thought this one was particularly good. He's a funny man. He understands how people feel, and he addresses it really well.

Well, time is far spent. It was a great week. Keep Loia and Clem in your prayers please! They need all the faith and prayers possible. They're so close!!

With Love,

Elder Sargeant

Monday, February 23, 2015


I'm not sure where I put this title, but it's what came to my mind as I read Elder Chase Gish's email to me. He brings the BOOM every where he goes, but mainly because his feet are massive. Love you man.

This week went by way to fast and had way too much epicness. Let's start with some exciting news.

I'm sorry these letters get progressively less interesting. So much happens that I can't even keep track and I forget, but just know that awesome things happen. I HAVEN'T BEEN ABLE TO WRITE IN MY JOURNAL FOR 2 WEEKS NOW!!!!!!

Anyway, Brother Tommy Va'a who got baptised received the Priesthood yesterday. What an amazing experience. He is such a gun. He texts us daily and reminds us how much we admires us and wants to come out teaching with us! We took him out 3 times this past week and his testimony has shook the house! <--- He's also spoken in 3 different wards the past 3 weeks since he's been baptised. 

So, we had an appointment with a girl we met the other week named Ellen. She is from American Samoa but recently started going back to church. I am amazed at how humble and kind she is. She invited us over and we brought Bro Va'a. So, we talked to her and her friends came over as well. They go to the 7th Day Adventist. We decided to teach the Restoration from the Bible and the Spirit was so strong. Ellen asked for a Book of Mormon the second we brought it up. She just wants to know what's right. I was so happy for this experience because we almost didn't bring anyone with us because she didn't respond to our calls or texts. She just trusted we'd show up.

A mini miracle happened on Sunday as well! We've been teaching a young couple in the ward named Rachel and Jase Howe. They are some of the only Australians that we teach here haha. We love them.

We have been teaching them for about 2 months now. Little by little we've seen the light grow in them. Starting with reading the scriptures with them, praying with them, and going through their concerns, we have seen the Lord's hand help them progress.

Jase had a hard time praying because of his feeling inadequate and unworthy. We reassured him it was not the case! We invited him and he said he would in his own time. 4 days ago we had dinner with the Howes and another family in the ward! JASE SAID THE CLOSING PRAYER ON HIS KNEES DESPITE HAVING A HORRIBLE KNEE THAT DOESN'T BEND VERY WELL!!! Faith in action BOOM!

Then, on Sunday, Rachel Howe was at church! I was happy as for her and she seemed to enjoy it! Jase was at work, but he's getting a promotion that'll give him Sunday's off. BOOM!

BOOM!! We had pancakes for our Preparation Day tradition as we've been craving some. They were good as! I have missed them!!!!!

Last but not least, we're working with a part member family called the Loia family. They have 4 children ages 5 and younger, and Loia, the father (same first and last name), was taught previously. We've been able to help him see that the Book of Mormon is the key to knowing that the church is true. His motivation is being sealed as a family which I was just humbled by. That's the key. WE DO EVERYTHING FOR THAT REASON AND HE GETS IT!!!!! We saw him yesterday after church, because they were supposed to come but last minute work opportunity came up so he took it. He is keen to see us again and has been reading the Book of Mormon.

Please please pray for Loia that he can 1) Gain a testimony because he wants to be baptised when he knows it's true. 2) for him to get a Job that will help him support his family! He had to quit his old job because it was too far away.

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. your mail has been such a boost to me!!!

I'll attach a photo to show you of all the "love" I've been sent!

Much love,
Elder Sargeant


Saturday, February 21, 2015

A Day in the Life of Elder Sargeant (Feb 15)

G'day to all my lovely blokes and shelas out there across the world! I hope you had as wonderful of a week as I have had this past week!

It truly has been one of my favourite weeks as a missionary. There is something very interesting that happens when change takes place around you, and that's this motivating feeling inside to change who you are a little bit inside! You want to do better and be better. You want to make things that were wrong right! That's how I felt this last week as I got my new companion Elder Orrego! He is the MAN!

He's 19 and is from Vancouver, Canada. He's been serving for about 15 months now and came in originally with my son Elder Worsencroft. They were companions in the MTC. HOW COOL IS THAT?!?!? As we got back home, we dropped off all the luggage for the other missionaries and then were heading to our next appointment in a place called Koo Wee Rup. WE met up with this man named Mitch who had met missionaries in the past. They helped change his life and get him off serious drugs. When we chatted with him, he was drunk but he was receptive to us! The funny thing is that his youngest son is named Dane as well! I was KEEN AS! He said "My name is Spiderman.... and sometimes Dane too." He was cute as. 

Another experience that we had was this, and I DO believe in the saying that the people are looking for the truth. God is preparing people to come to us for what we have to share!

Tuesday came and in the morning we had district meeting with the missionaries. As an Elder was giving a training, a knock was heard on the door behind us. Since I was closest to the door I opened it to find a plump man, about 5'6, wearing dark framed glasses, a white shirt and black tie who looked nervous and sweaty. My mind was completely open as to who this man was and what he desired. I stuck out my hand and introduced myself and beckoned for another missionary to come with me, named Elder Kent. As we shook hands he explained he was looking for a Bishop or set of missionaries to teach him more about the Mormon faith. He had been doing his own research and wanted to learn more. I was taken back a little by this man. Not every day does this kind of stuff happen... but in reality, it does. We asked him some questions and invited him to let us teach him there and then.

Something to know about Glen... well first of all Glen is his name. He also drove an HOUR to the temple in Wantirna South, and then another half hour to Cranbourne. We sat down and I asked to offer the opening prayer. I remember a thought coming into my mind and I decided to act on it. I said, "...and we invite thy Spirit to be here now." 

Those simple words, as spoken by a man who spoke to us 2 weeks previously, brought forth a feeling and power that I had felt previously but that I had never knew I could ask for in such a manner. I loved it, and I knew Glen could feel it.

We taught him a basic overview of the Message of the Restoration of the Gospel and we prayed at the end to know if he needed to be baptised. It was such a cool experience. He'll be coming to church next weekend!

Another thing. We were driving home from the District meeting and noticed a woman who was crying on the side of a BP petrol station. I thought she was just sweating heaps, but then a closer observation revealed tears and sobbing. We decided to park the car and ask her what was wrong.

I was filled with love and compassion for this woman, named Tabby, who had just been beaten by her husband and had her children taken from her. She was desperate, and in need, and I felt a love that filled me deep within. We talked to her and simply offered our service to talk if she needed us as her Sister pulled up. We gave her a card with our number on it and she drove away.

I don't know if I'll ever see her again, but I'll never forget that thought to go talk to her. I'll never forget the feelings I felt as I offered her something... anything... and that was something that was given to me from Heaven.


48 seconds.

Got to go!

Love you all!

-Elder Sargeant OUT!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The finish line is in sight (Feb 8)

I LOVE MY MISSION! I don't say it enough but it's the greatest. I've been blessed this past week with many wonderful experiences and things I'd like to share but the time is short so I can't get to all of them.

FIRST AND FOREMOST TOMMY VA'A GOT BAPTISED!!!! We didn't do it because he went back to NZ to be baptized with his wife. I was extremely happy for him and he even spoke the Sunday following. They said he sounded like he'd been a member for years.

Just goes to show... we all know it's true... we just have to remember it. 
I'm grateful for that knowledge myself! 

So this week was a week of meetings... traveling... and GASTRO!?!?
My companion got hit with gastro for 3 days so we didn't get to go out very much. It was all good though because we split off. I went out with a missionary named Elder Kent and we came across some very interesting people.... one day before church we were dropping off some missionaries and this man was walking down the street. I waved to him and said hello. He turned to us and began to speak some of the funniest and most offensive things possible... but we just cracked up! I had studied charity that morning and man of man was I blessed with an extra amount for him! He was definitely on drugs for sure... he could barely walk or speak properly! It was funny though.

We found out transfer news and turns out I'll be dying [Gabe here--the term dying in this context is missionary jargon for the last area that he will serve in for his mission] in Cranbourne! YES! My companion will be leaving to go back down to TASMANIA WOO!!!!!!! I'm a little jealous but he'll do great.

There is a family we are working with called the Howes. Rachel and Jase. They are less active but returning members and they are some of my favorite people. We went over there and just sat and read some scriptures with them that they had read during the week. The Spirit was so strong and we learned together. We went through the Restoration with them again and talked about Priesthood. I was grateful for that because I learned HEAPS! We have a God of order and Love, and that's something priceless.
At the end, we told them how Elder Richey was leaving. They got a bit teary eyed and told us that they had been praying for anyone... someone... something to come and help them get back on track and that we had been prompted to go. It's amazing to me to have people in our lives that need us. Often we don't even know it, but we can do it.
Mosiah 4:16-20 ^^^ Are we not all beggars??

Love you all! Have a great week... hopefully not too much snow. It's been like 32C here, or 90-95F. BE JEALOUS! 
-Elder Sargeant
The MLC at the mission home

I cut my own didn't work out well. 

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Week of weeks that lead to another week (Feb 1)

G'day g'day all!

Wow, what a cool week it's been. Ups, downs, roller coaster rides... interesting people... fun adventures, and heaps of good food.
First of all SHOUT TO MY BOY ELDER GISH IN NZ! That object lesson was so impressive to me. I may use that in the future to show how we need to change so we don't keep making not only ourselves suffer, our families suffer, but the Saviour. That was a great lesson to me and an answer to a prayer. Thank you my brother. I feel a bit of love swelling in my heart for you right now and I hope you know that I think of you often.

So, one of our investigators named Brother Tommy Va'a, has completely astounded me with his humility, thirst for the gospel, and his faith in Jesus Christ. To let you know about Tommy, he has been smashing through the scriptures and is up to the end of Mosiah already. Every day on his way home from work he reads a chapter...or two... or more... and listens to "Nearer My God to Thee" on his phone. He is engulfed and surrounded by the "fountains of living water," like the flower in a vase. He is flourishing and it's been the coolest journey for us to be apart of. He and his wife are getting baptised together back in NZ, which is sad for us because we miss it, but he gets to be with his wife and kids... THE most important thing.
He shared with us last night, after we broke our fast with him for him to get his permanent employment here, that he knows the gospel is true. He's felt to sing the song of redeeming love. He has been praying and searching for this path to be the right one, and he has humbly accepted that God has placed him here for a reason. It blows my mind how mature he is, and he is only 28.

A funny experience that happened... oh gosh.... well we took a prospective missionary out with us named Des Zinck. He's a humble, shy, but powerful 18 year old and we had some fun out tracting. As we were tracting we saw these two younger girls (probably 7-10) cutting the lawn... with a pair of scissors?? We talked to them for a moment just to ask what they were doing and to ask them if they knew each other. One of the girls replied. "This is my house right here, and hers is over there, so we're just cutting my grass." We asked, "are you friends from school?" and she replied promptly, "No, we are friends from the streets."

It was the most crack up thing to hear from the mouth of a 7 year old. She owned that street. YEAH! I wish you could have been there to experience it.

My experience has been awesome serving out here in Australia... I wish I could put into words the things I feel and find each day. My life has changed from these past months, and I'm grateful to be able to go out each day!
I had a cool experience the other day where I learned that simply manifesting love can bring some cool blessings. My companion and I came home from a long day with little success. Frustrated, fatigued, and ready for some food, we planned with a tense atmosphere. After we finished, one the other missionaries said "Don't you guys like... hug or high five after you're done? Come on bro..."
That was a humbling experience. I've done it in the past but forgot how much those moments matter. My fellow missionary and I put aside our frustrations and embraced with a bro hug. I'll tell you... it's quite strange how much that can take away from anger. DO THE LITTLE THINGS TO SHOW YOUR APPRECIATION FOR THOSE YOU LOVE MOST!!! THEY NEED IT!

Well, that's about the extent of it. WE GET TO WATCH THE SUPER BOWL TODAY WOO!!!!!

Love you all!
-Elder Sargeant

Photo is of Tommy, Me, and Elder Richey at our fast breaker last night.
PS--- you may say to yourselves... Has he gained weight? I reply to you this---- My chin may have  extra skin... but so does a Banana.....
No, but in all seriousness I'm in a Samoan Ward... cut me some slack here.